How To Get A Stray Cat To Come To You: Expert Tips and Tricks

To get a stray cat to come to you, vet them and provide them with food, shelter, and treats. It may take time for the cat to trust you, so be patient and talk to them.

Additionally, you can use scent markers and practice responsible feeding to attract stray cats to your neighborhood safely and compassionately. Overall, gaining the trust of a stray cat depends on the individual cat, as some may approach you immediately while others may take longer to trust you.

How To Get A Stray Cat To Come To You: Expert Tips and Tricks


Expert Tips And Tricks For Getting A Stray Cat To Come To You

Getting a stray cat to come to you can be challenging, but with these expert tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of gaining their trust. From offering tasty food to providing shelter, talking to them, and giving treats, you can gradually build a bond and become a caretaker for these stray cats.

Expert Tips and Tricks for Getting a Stray Cat to Come to You 1. Gain the Cat’s Trust To get a stray cat to come to you, it’s essential to gain their trust. Start by approaching the cat calmly and slowly, avoiding sudden movements that could scare them away. Ensure you maintain a non-threatening posture, keeping your body low and avoiding direct eye contact. Allow the cat to approach you first, giving them the control and choice to interact. Building trust takes time, so be patient and consistent in your approach. 2. Provide Food and Shelter One effective way to attract a stray cat is by providing food and shelter. Set up a feeding station outside your house, ensuring it is a safe and quiet space for the cat to feel comfortable. Use high-quality cat food to entice them with a tasty meal. Additionally, provide a sheltered area, such as a cozy and warm box with bedding, where the cat can retreat to and feel secure. The consistent availability of food and shelter will help the cat associate your presence with positive experiences. 3. Use Scent Markers and Socialize Cats have a highly developed sense of smell, so using scent markers can be effective in getting a stray cat to come to you. Rubbing a soft cloth on your hands and then placing it near the cat’s feeding station or shelter can help them become familiar with your scent. This will create a sense of familiarity and comfort. Additionally, spend time socializing with the cat by sitting or lying nearby, talking to them softly, and offering treats gradually. Provide interactive toys or engage in gentle play to establish a bond and encourage the cat’s trust. 4. Practice Responsible Feeding and Medical Care Feeding a stray cat responsibly is crucial for their overall well-being. Avoid overfeeding and ensure a balanced diet to maintain their health. Regularly clean their feeding area and provide fresh water daily. It is important to remember that stray cats may require medical care. Arrange for veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and spaying or neutering when necessary. This helps to prevent disease transmission and control the stray cat population. By practicing responsible feeding and medical care, you not only care for the cat’s health but also strengthen the bond of trust between you and the cat. In conclusion, gaining a stray cat’s trust requires patience, consistency, and understanding. By utilizing these expert tips and tricks, such as building trust, providing food and shelter, using scent markers, and practicing responsible feeding and medical care, you can increase the chances of a stray cat coming to you. Remember, each cat is unique, so it’s important to adapt these strategies based on their individual needs and behaviors. With time and effort, you can establish a bond with a stray cat and provide them with the love and care they deserve.

How To Get A Stray Cat To Come To You: Expert Tips and Tricks


How To Get A Stray Cat To Come To You: Expert Tips and Tricks


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Get A Stray Cat To Come To You

How Do You Get A Stray Cat To Trust You?

To gain a stray cat’s trust: 1. Vet them and provide care. 2. Feed them tasty food. 3. shelter them. 4. Talk to them. 5. Offer treats. Remember, patience is key!

How Do You Attract Stray Cats?

To attract stray cats, follow these steps: 1. Provide food, water, and shelter. 2. Use scent markers to create a familiar environment. 3. Be patient and observant. 4. Socialize and interact with the cats. 5. Consider providing medical care and practicing responsible feeding.

Remember, gaining a stray cat’s trust may take time, so be persistent and compassionate.

How Long Does It Take For A Stray Cat To Come To You?

It varies. If the stray cat is used to people, it may approach you immediately. Injured or wary cats may take a month or longer to gain trust. Try offering food or treats to entice them and let them approach you first.


Earning the trust of a stray cat requires patience, compassion, and strategic approaches. Start by providing them with food, water, and shelter, creating a safe and inviting environment. Communicate with them gently and offer treats as a way to bond.

It is crucial to let the cat approach you at their own pace and never force interaction. With time and consistency, you can build trust and form a lasting bond with a stray cat. Remember, each cat is unique, and it may take different amounts of time for them to come to you.

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